6 février 2018 - What's up Doc : LES HÔPITAUX SYRIENS ENCORE ATTAQUÉS - La guerre est loin d'être terminée

L’Union des organisations de secours et de soins médicaux (UOSSM) dénonce les « crimes de guerre » que représentent les attaques incessantes que subissent les hôpitaux dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie.  Lire plus

24 janvier 2018 - The Guardian : An appeal to Vladimir Putin: please let sick children out of Ghouta

As directors of Doctors Under Fire and advisers to the Union of Syrian Medical Charities (UOSSM), we and others persuaded the Russian government and the Syrian regime to allow nine children with curable cancer and 20 others out of Ghouta over Christmas; they will now live, but there are many others who might not. We also managed to do the same for 500 children in Aleppo on 16 December.  Lire plus

21 janvier 2018 - LExpress : Syrie: dans la région d'Idlib, le drame des civils à nouveau chassés par le régime

"Une fois encore, ce sont les civils qui souffrent le plus. Le régime syrien et l'aviation russe ciblent expressément les infrastructures vitales pour la population. Aucun village n'est à l'abri. Ces trois dernières semaines, une dizaines de centre de soins ont été bombardés. Le 3 janvier, c'est l'hôpital et la maternité al-Salam à Maarat al-Nouman qui ont été mis hors services, se désole le Dr Ahmad al-Dbis, de l'ONG UOSSM (Union des Organisations de Secours et Soins Médicaux). Lire plus

16 janvier 2018 - Slate : Raphaël Pitti, l'honneur des migrants plutôt que la Légion d'honneur

La Syrie, où il a effectué vingt-et-un voyages depuis que la guerre a commencé, et organisé au risque de sa vie des centres de formation à la prise en charge des blessés de guerre (12.000 personnes soignants formées en sept ans dans le cadre des missions de l’UOSSM).  Lire plus

16 janvier 2018 - OMNITV : Doctors on the frontlines in Syria and Myanmar

UOSSM not only sends supplies and medical professionals right to where people need them in the Syrian war and the Rohingya crisis, but also offers opportunities for qualified health professionals who can’t practice elsewhere. Lire plus

15 janvier 2018 - The Times : Assad strikes besieged rebels with chlorine-tipped missiles

The dawn attack occurred on the outskirts of Douma, Eastern Ghouta, according to the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisations (UOSSM), which supports local hospitals. Six women and a boy were treated for breathing difficulties after being taken to hospital smelling of the gas. Lire plus

9 janvier 2018 - The Guardian : 70,000 Syrians flee as regime advances on last rebel-held province

“The major goals are to deprive people of healthcare, kill opposition medical workers and push people to flee,” said Ahmad al-Dbis, safety and security director for the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisations (UOSSM), which runs dozens of hospitals in Syria. “The medical situation is a tragedy.” Lire plus

8 janvier 2018 - Dailymail : Unspeakable barbarity: An ex-army colonel who has travelled to Syria reveals a new horror in the country that shames the civilised world - and poses a chilling threat to Britain

Few military men seek sedentary retirements and Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon admits he is dismayed by the idea of a gentle slide into leisurely routine. When he left the Army in 2011 after 23 years’ service, he swapped a career commanding troops in the world’s battlefields to volunteer in even more hazardous trouble spots. Hamish is a useful man to have around in a crisis, and today he deploys his skills to help the victims of conflict as an unpaid adviser to the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisations (UOSSM). Lire plus

7 janvier 2018 - France 24 : Le régime intensifie ses frappes sur la Ghouta assiégée

Dr. Amani, pédiatre à la Ghouta Orientale, témoigne sur la situation actuelle dans cette zone assiégée sur FRANCE 24. Lire plus

6 janvier 2018 - BBC : Syria war: Hospitals being targeted, aid workers say

Five people died in the worst attack, on Wednesday, according to the Syrian American Medical Society (Sams), and the hospital was temporarily put out of service. Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, who advises the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM), said other attacks in recent days had targeted hospitals predominantly in Eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of the capital. Lire plus